
Young Canadians - Data Redux

Young Canadians - Data Redux (live from Soundproof TV studios)

YC's data cap

Uploaded with permission of original videographer/producer Martyn Stubbs.

Young Canadians

Originally named the K-Tels, the Young Canadians were around barely two years — but they made a lasting impression on the Vancouver punk/indie scene...

The Young Canadians were a three-piece made up of guitarist/singer Art Bergmann, bassist Jim Bescott, and powerhouse drummer Barry Taylor. Originally named the K-Tels, the Young Canadians were around barely two years — but they made a lasting impression on the Vancouver punk/indie music scene. They released two 12-inch EPs, one of the first cable-TV targeted music videos (“Automan”), recorded an all-time punk-rock anthem (“Hawaii”), and are credited with discovering the dormant Smilin’ Buddha Cabaret and helping transform it into a west coast punk-rock landmark.

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